New Patients

New Patients


New Patient Special

Comprehensive exam, full mouth digital x-rays and healthy mouth cleaning.


What To Expect During Your First Visit

  • Comprehensive Health History - We will first ask you to complete a medical and dental health form prior to your appointment. You will receive an email and/or text message with a link to complete your patient intake forms online prior to your appointment, or you can use the link below.

  • Digital X-Rays & Intraoral Photos - At the beginning of the appointment, we will take digital photos and X-rays of your teeth to identify areas of decay, cracked teeth or malfunctioning restorations.

  • Oral Cancer Screening - We will also perform an oral cancer screening, a potentially life-saving procedure that can help increase your chances of survival if detected early.

  • Examination - The doctor will then perform a thorough examination to asses your overall dental and oral health and will recommend the appropriate  treatment for you.

  • Payment - Any copay or deductible could be due at the time of service. Financing is also available.

Ages 9 and Up

Dental Care for Your Little Ones

*Exam (D0150), x-ray (D0210/D0330) and healthy mouth cleaning (D1110) are valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or a discount dental plan and only for patients with the absence of periodontal disease. If gingivitis or periodontal disease is present, the customer may be offered a similar treatment (D4335 or D4346). This offer is valid for new patients without insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or a discount dental plan. Offer may not be combined with other offers. FOR RELATED SERVICES WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED IN INDIVIDUAL CASES. THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE COMPLIMENTARY, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT. FL DL DN18310, FL DL DN16457.

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